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时间:2014-11-21 15:05 作者:映帆音乐 阅读:9641



“DoubleX2”男团,全称DoubleDouble简称D.X.2 是由吾秀文化在众多练习生中挑选出来并由综艺天王吴宗宪亲自组建并起名。团里三位男生各具特色,在歌舞演方面都经过专业的培训,之前已经发布的歌曲曲风也是很多元化;相信了解他们的朋友也都会知道有脍炙人口的rnb情歌,也有韩式的电子舞曲以及欧美的hiphop音乐。而此次发布的同名新歌“DoubleDouble”更是一首接近国际音乐流行趋势的曲风,歌曲曲调明显歌词更是体现了DoubleX2三位成员自己的人生态度。值得一提的是本次歌曲的mv特地邀请了电影“被偷走的那五年”和“闺蜜”御用摄影师掌镜并远赴海南岛取景,mv风格取向了简单自然的调性希望大家可以喜欢并多多支持他们。




Here we go here we go
这里是doublex2 等着发了一首new song
让我成为supper hero
so single(single)so swga(swga)
是新的快点来哈旧的你别牵挂 打破它
在 门口排队等候难道你还在做梦
还站在那里干嘛赶快加入for the show
let me felling so keep going you need believeme
you are my shun
软弱 懦弱 虚伪 的人 们都 别想靠近我们
我rap 用我 态度 说明 让你们
be my friends
白色 鸽子 咬上 橄榄 枝是
love & peace
邪恶 的黑 翅膀 don't don't touch me

Catching dream don't turn off the light
Bring on the key so you can be achieve
Now you see so follow my lead
And come on over

Can not believe how you been to succeed
Wake up my dream
Don't stop to think
Now you see that's how I feel
So keep on turning

这是weeson 都listen 你们都当我是idoi
对我打分 的人们 不用等follow me 一起lego
从不做别人的 shadow so fresh的 it's my flow。

乌云被穿透来自卫星call me独角兽
double追击 他们都在退避
我跟自己 背地里对立
感叹的回忆 还在慢慢的堆积 还没睡意不能自己 ye
难道只有音乐才能make me happy
不听就会死 好像dir dir dirty bass
当你输给现实其实才是lose your face
i practice always 最hot的都在此 你来的 都太迟

Catching dream don't turn off the light
Bring on the key so you can be achieve
Now you see so follow my lead
And come on over

Can not believe how you been to succeed
Wake up my dream
Don't stop to think
Now you see that's how I feel
So keep on turning

Catching dream don't turn off the light
Bring on the key so you can be achieve
Now you see so follow my lead
And come on over

Can not believe how you been to succeed
Wake up my dream
Don't stop to think
Now you see that's how I feel
So keep on turning

当你感到困惑不如 大喊dx2
当你迷茫找不到方向 大喊Dx 2
当你启航找回了梦想 大喊DX2
当你不在彷徨 大喊Dx2
when i say double double You say dx2
when i say double double You say dx2
when i say double double You say dx2
when i say double double double You say dx2


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